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These are hand-picked new company start-ups, exciting products that have come to my attention, goods and services that we use at any one of the Fox Group of Companies.
You are welcome to submit your information to me at [email protected]. Companies worldwide are urged to send in your updated information or products for posting on this page.
Free of charge!
I get hundreds of emails daily and look forward to hearing from you. Globally, we have more than 50,000 unique visitors weekly (all of whom are involved in some aspect of the oil & gas industry) and 300,000 page views weekly from industry-related readers.
Finbarr McPhillips <[email protected]>
Feb 6, 2013
Hi Jason,
I hope you are well.
My name is Finbarr Mc Phillips from the company Chieftain Trailers Ltd.
I got your contact through a few customers we build Oil exploration trailers for.
Chieftain Trailers specialize in manufacturing bespoke trailers for all kinds of industries including the Oil Drilling industry.
We have built trailers for such companies as Nov Hydra Rig , Baker Hughes etc.
Our quality is very high and our prices very competitive.
If there was any trailers or products you would like me to quote you for, I would be more than happy.
I look forward to your comments and please find attached a few pictures of trailers we can produce.
Many Thanks
Finbarr Mc Phillips
Sales Manager
+44 7801 297 973
Finbarr Mc Phillips
+44 (0) 2887747531
+44 (0) 2887747530
[email protected]
Finbarr McPhillips <[email protected]>
Feb 6, 2013
Hi Jason,
I hope you are well.
My name is Finbarr Mc Phillips from the company Chieftain Trailers Ltd.
I got your contact through a few customers we build Oil exploration trailers for.
Chieftain Trailers specialize in manufacturing bespoke trailers for all kinds of industries including the Oil Drilling industry.
We have built trailers for such companies as Nov Hydra Rig , Baker Hughes etc.
Our quality is very high and our prices very competitive.
If there was any trailers or products you would like me to quote you for, I would be more than happy.
I look forward to your comments and please find attached a few pictures of trailers we can produce.
Many Thanks
Finbarr Mc Phillips
Sales Manager
+44 7801 297 973
Finbarr Mc Phillips
+44 (0) 2887747531
+44 (0) 2887747530
[email protected]
Prime Precision Machining
Kristi Ammons <[email protected]>
Feb 8, 2013
Hello Fox Drilling! Interesting site you have there at FoxOilDrilling.com.
My name is Kristi Ammons and I am with Prime Precision Machining. We are a relatively new machine shop in the Houston area and we wanted to introduce ourselves. We are a full CNC shop with lathes and mills. Our lathe turning capacity is 14.125” diameter x 50” long. By the end of the month (hopefully sooner) we will have our largest mill up and running. The new mill will increase our milling capacity to 50” long x 26” wide x 25” tall. This mill will also have a 4th axis with a 12” chuck. We would like the opportunity to earn your business, so if you have any jobs you would like for us to quote please send them our way. I think you will be pleased with our prices and turnaround times. I have also attached our resume that lists all of our machines and their capacities for your review.
Matt Brown is our lead sales contact and can be reached at 281-358-3500 or at [email protected]. Should he be unavailable, you can always contact me at the same number.
Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you or seeing our company on your site.
Have a great weekend.
Thank you,
Kristi Ammons
Office Manager
Prime Precision Machining
5970 North Sam Houston Pkwy. East Ste. 507
Humble, TX 77396
PH: 281-358-3500
P R I M E Precision Machining
5970 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. East, Suite #507 Humble, TX 77396 Phone: 281-358-3500 / Fax: 281-754-4025
Prime Precision Machining, LLC, is a precision CNC machine shop established in early 2011 in the Northeast Houston/Humble area. Prime is located at the southwest corner of the N. Beltway 8 and I-59 intersection at 5970 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Ste. 507, Humble TX 77396. The office phone number is (281) 358-3500, fax number (281) 754-4025.
Experience: Prime Precision Machining has assembled a top notch production and management team combining 20 years of machining experience with 15 years experience in quality management systems. This experience allows Prime to produce the highest quality parts and provide all necessary tracking and quality documentation required by our customers. Prime is suited for any size job from 1 piece to more than 1000 pieces, providing fast turn-around times, all while maintaining the highest standards of quality and customer service.
Machining Capabilities: Okuma L1420 2-axis lathe - max turning capacity of 14.125" diameter up to 50" long Okuma L1060 2-axis lathe - max turning capacity of 10.7" diameter up to 16" long Okuma LB-15 2-axis lathe - max turning capacity of 9.5" diameter up to 16" long Haas VF-5/50 3axis mill with mill capacity of 50” long, 26” wide and 25” tall, 4th axis milling capabilities in a 12” chuck. Haas VF-3 3-axis mill with a milling capacity of 40” long, 20” wide, and 20” tall. Fadal VMC15 3-axis mill with a milling capacity of 24" long, 16" wide, and 16" tall.
Materials: Prime has experience machining parts in a wide variety of materials including, but not limited to: All series of carbon and alloy steels in annealed or heat treated conditions Stainless steels including 300, 400 series, 17-4 Aluminum, cooper, bronze, brass, plastics
5970 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. East, Suite #507 Humble, TX 77396 Phone: 281-358-3500 / Fax: 281-754-4025
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